Make An Impact

Fully Resourced Women Give Back and Make a Better World

Here at the Modern Queen we value women’s empowerment through attaining financial solvency doing the heart-based work we were born to do.

We believe it is every woman’s right to live a life of affluence, influence, comfort and well-being.

We also believe that when a woman expands beyond just her basic needs, and the basic needs of her family,

and expands her love, bank account and influence, she can then give back to the world from a place of overflow,

a world that needs our attention and activism now more than ever.

We believe women are the leaders meant to change the world.

Modern Queen gives 5% of all earnings to our chosen charities and we encourage our clients to do the same once they have reached their income goals.

Here are some of the organizations we are proud to be a part of. Join us.

No one is free until we are all free. Every action counts.

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