
I Filled My Program!

“Caitlin’s business coaching is amazing! I worked with her just before launching a new program and she gave amazing tips and advice that resulted in my program being filled up! She is very intuitive and has a lot of knowledge about online spiritual entrepreneurship. Highly recommended!”

Cathering T.L.
Founder of School of Enlightenment & Tantric Priestess Training

Walking the Talk

“I signed up with Caitlin for a specific area I felt stuck in my business. She not only resolved the issue with structure and frameworks that helped me understand how to strategize better to resolve the issue completely, but she also provided deep creative insight to my branding beyond what I could see for myself. I left every session feeling invigorated, inspired, and full of clarity. Caitlin’s expertise goes beyond business strategy and into true care, connection, and passion with her clients. Her heart is in it and she walks her talk. A total gem. An ace in the whole. Thank you Caitlin.”

Lindsay B.
NeuroPsychologist & Executive Coach

Confident in Business

“Just want to take a moment to tell anyone about Caitlin’s program: JUST DO IT.  

It has more than paid for itself, and I feel 1000 times more confident in my business (and connected with myself) than when I started. Soooo grateful to Caitlin for her amazing system, teaching style, and epic queen boss attitude.”

Natalie B.
Transpersonal Psychologist

$120k in 4 Months

“I have just mapped out my $340k year with Caitlin, and feeling fully resourced as I expand into what I’m here to share. In the first 4 months of this year I have made $120k after earning just $40k a year for 4 years in row. Working with Caitlin is a journey of prosperity and soul-aligned purpose.”

Meisha B.

Reclamation Coach & Founder of Root Healing

The Roadmap to My Goals

“Deciding to invest in myself was investing in my business, building my vision and my brand. Caitlin laid out the roadmap of how I was going to reach my goals, held me accountable and pushed me though difficult thought processes. Caitlin is the real deal.”

Ask Max

Teen & Family Performance Coaching

First $14k Month

“I just totaled up all my sales for this month and can’t believe it but I just did my first $14,000 in sales!

Thank you so much for all your support and guidance! You gave me the tools and the mindset to create my first $14k month!!”

Laura L.
Nervous System Coach

Charging a few hundred dollars to 3 clients at $150k!

“Caitlin’s work has completely transformed my business in 3 months. I was literally charging a few hundred dollars for my award-winning radio pieces to 3 clients at $150k! Absolutely life changing. The best three months I’ve had in terms of framing my work.”

Ahri G.
Media Midwife Podcast Coach & Founder of STILLPOINT

Inner Feminine Power, Creativity & Revolution

“In such global uncertainty and stress, I have gained so much inner feminine power, creativity and revolution as a woman to continuously craft and deliver my services that greatly serve the new paradigm. With a wonderful, transformational co-created plan of detailed steps, I have way more strength, drive and community to keep making quantum leaps in my soul’s mission during these pivotal times. Caitlin empathically could understand my unique situation, and her vast gifts of keen feminine intuition and conscious business acumen helped uplevel my work in big, tangible ways.”

Kyliya E.
Creatrix at Sonic Lumin, Ascension Coach for Women

Total Ease

“Within my first few weeks of working with Caitlin I landed my first 4 figure clients with total ease, with many more to come. This is just the beginning!”

Anja S.
Yoga Teacher and Writer

Single Largest Sale

“After two weeks in your group, I sold a one-month package that more than paid for the entire summer sprint!

Now, at the beginning of week four – after perfecting our packages, zeroing in on our ideal clients, and getting step-by-step Voxer encouragement from you throughout the process of my sales conversations – I just sold an even more premium package!!!

The single largest sale I’ve ever done. I just had my first 5k month!

Stacy C.
Intuitive Business Coach

2 Clients in 2 Days

“Just signed two clients in two days and made my income goal for the month!

OMG!!! Excuse me while I have my fist $5k month!”

Janine F.
Love Alchemy Coach

$5k the Week She Left Her Job

“My life has completely transformed. I quit my job after 2 months of working in Caitlin’s Academy and within that week, signed 2 clients and made $5k, double what I was making per month at my job. I have upleveled so much.”

Olivia G.
Manifestation Coach

3-5X Former Income

“MQBA has hands down changed my life. So many resources are given in this program. I felt like before I was always chasing my next client where now, with the help of this program I can generate 3-5X my former income. It has held me to a higher standard of value”

Asha R.
Channel and Medium, Founder of AER and Awakening SF

I found my voice and am no longer in hiding

“I felt disorganized and lacking direction on how to grow a business and I got so much value. I set my voice free and show up online consistently. I am no longer hiding in fear “

Hailey S.
Dance Instructor & Founder of Innate Allure, Coaching for Women’s Empowerment, Relationships & Sensuality

Best Business Decision of My Life!

“The best business decision I have ever made in my life! Caitlin is nothing but pure positivity, love and light; she’s the whole package. She saw me, all aspects of me, and helped me develop my business into a greater representation of who I am. Working with Caitlin gave me the confidence to pursue my dream business and go after what I’m worth.”

Tiffany T.

Insightful Lotus Consulting


Permission to be Successful

“What I found in this program is empowerment. This permission to be beautiful. Permission to be successful. Permission to clear all what needed to be cleared in order to have a vision of who I really am and how to really promote that to the outside world. I opened the door and the cosmos was there to receive me.”

Hannah S.
Owner at Steerman Family Accupuncture

Created My First Online Program!

“When I considered hiring Coach Caitlin Naramore I thought, Can I afford It? Guess what? If I hadn’t made the choice to join Modern Queen, I would still be ON THE FENCE about creating my own online program, a project I have been wanting to do for over 6 years! Caitlin’s F.R.E.E.D.O.M. Method and her infectious energy inspired me to face my fears and rise to my potential.  Because of Caitlin’s program I am scaling my income and leveraging my time with ease and freedom.”

Windy D.
Licensed Marriage & Family Counseling Therapist

Launched 2 Masterminds & Doubled My Income

“Working with Caitlin has been life changing! I’m no longer available for relationships or situations that do not serve my highest good. My income has doubled and I have now launched 2 Mastermind programs!”

Sarah R.
Heart Bloom Energy Healer

Sustainable Offers

‘I’m so grateful to Caitlin and her guidance over these past 6 months. One of the biggest obstacles for me was around feeling comfortable putting a higher price tag on my work. Through working with her, I’ve not only gotten so much more comfortable with asking for what I’m worth, but have also packaged my offerings in ways that feel more sustainable for me, while better serving both me and my students/clients. Highly recommend working with this bright, savvy Queen if you’re looking to grow and refine your business, and manifest more abundance in your career.

Jessica C.
Sound Healer

Sparked My Inner Authority

“I have had amazing results that I have not experienced with other coaches before working with Caitlin. Caitlin activated and sparked my inner light of authority through the weekly coaching sessions, and helped me embody success in my business. It is a very sacred exchange and it is a priceless gift.”

Claudia W.

Confidence Coach

Bolstered Confidence

“As a solo entrepreneur, I work with Caitlin because partnering with a guide like her — who is empathetic, measured and clear — has helped me to step fully into my business these past 9 months. Without a doubt, Caitlin’s support during this phase of business development has bolstered my confidence to keep moving things forward, step-by-step.”

Sharon U.

Founder of Waterbear Planet: Relaxation through Nature Sounds for Eco Businesses

Overcoming Negative Beliefs About Money

“What a delight and what an excitement to have overcome my negative beliefs about money! Caitlin helped me realize my worth in just two sessions of working with her, she shed light on some deep seated issues and clarified the direction I needed to take.
The day after our second session I was able to attract a client at double my normal rate!

Corinna S.

Energy Healer

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